Episode 2: John Deere Africa Podcast
John Deere is using technology and artificial intelligence to revolutionise agriculture in Africa – with the fourth industrial revolution in mind. That is according to Barrett Barr, Strategy Lead of Embedded Technology Solutions at John Deere USA and this podcast episode he talks about John Deere’s vision for a more profitable and sustainable environment for farmers through Precision Ag.
Listen to them all here:
Apple Podcasts:John Deere Africa
Soundcloud: John Deere Africa
Spotify: John Deere Africa
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Episode 1: John Deere Africa Podcast
In the first of this highly insightful series of Boerpot podcast interviews, with agriculture as the primary focus throughout, Jacques…
Episode 2: John Deere Africa Podcast
John Deere is using technology and artificial intelligence to revolutionise agriculture in Africa – with the fourth industrial revolution in…
Episode 3: John Deere Africa Podcast
Koos Blanckenberg, a fourth-generation Dairy and Grain farmer from the Western Cape, is a respected John Deere client whose community…